

Chief Villager’s Son, 10, Found Dead From Scorpion Sting, 
Was Resurrected by ‘Enchantress’ Revealed To Be Isis
By Kimaya Bhuta

Several weeks ago, it was announced that Amet ___, 10, son of ___’s chief villager, was found dead from a scorpion sting. This news sparked lots of public uproar, and so did the news that he was resurrected by an ‘Enchantress’. It has now been revealed who this Enchantress is, and it’s the most powerful goddess in all of Egypt, Isis herself. 

Isis sat down on the interview, ready to tell us all about the backstory behind what caused the scorpion sting. She explained that it was something that needed thorough explanation, and so she told us about her journey on the run from the kingdom, and her encounter with the chief villager’s family. “The first question that came to my mind was how am I going to protect myself and my son, and raise him at the same time?”  said Isis when interviewed by _____.  Her maternal fears kicked in when she had to go into hiding with her infant son, Horus, in fear of her brother, the God of violence and storms, Set himself. He had killed her husband, and afraid for Horus’ life, she started life anew as a villager.

She recalled approaching Serket, goddess of venomous creatures, for help. She was sent seven of Serket’s fiercest servants, namely Tefen, Masetetef, Petet, Tjetet, Matet, Mesetet, and Befen. And it ended up being one of these scorpions that stung Amet.

“Getting to the village was arduous”, Isis mentioned. “People gave me uncanny stares everywhere I went. I was on the run from my kingdom after all. And that too with a baby in my arms, and seven scorpions circling me. . I had to survive countless sandstorms. And the terrain was uneven. We rode on camels sometimes, when we had the chance.

A painting of Isis (centre) circled by the seven scorpions in darkness.

It was when they reached the village that Isis saw a mansion, which happened to be home to the chief villager and his family. “I was not upset or unsettled,” Isis explained, when she recalled how the chief villager’s wife slammed the door in her face when she only sought temporary shelter. “I was really just trying my luck.”

Isis and Horus continued to look around the village for a place to stay. Eventually, an artisan girl named Amira let them into her home. 

Amira (left) and Isis and Horus (right) having a meal in Amira’s home.

Despite having found a place to stay, Isis was still troubled by the fact that Set was hunting for them. “Being in hiding was difficult as I was unable to use my powers to protect myself or my son. And it was terrifying to think of how my child was a target. I wasn’t sure how to raise him in hiding..”

Nevertheless, Isis tried to blend in with the villagers. “It was a unique experience for me to observe how the villagers led their everyday lives. Amira would wake up early to cook food for us, and then would leave for the market to buy vegetables and meat. We used to help around and do the chores whenever we could – like cleaning the house and putting out clothes to dry so that she could dedicate more time to painting and making her clay pots. And every two days she would go back to the bazaar and open her stall to sell her clay pots and paintings. It was different to see how everyone led their daily lives. They all work very hard.”

Even though Isis and Horus were settled in a new home, the scorpions were still enraged at the chief villager and his family for denying Isis and Horus shelter. In the dead of the night, the scorpions transferred all their poison into one scorpion, Tefen. Tefen then crept to the chief villager’s home and stung his son, Amet.

“I was awoken by wailing noises in the wee hours of the morning. I went out to see what the commotion was. The chief villager and his wife were wailing and desperately crying for help, with the dead boy in their arms.”

“My heart sank. I went outside and looked closer at the boy and found that he was bitten by a scorpion. I knew what my scorpions had done. There was no doubt in my mind, and no hesitation either. I knew it was my fault, and I had to fix it. So I proceeded to heal the boy. The entire village wasawake, and they stared at me while I brought the boy back to life.”

Realization dawned on Amet’s mother that it was Isis’ seven scorpions that had bitten her son, and regarding this she said, “I felt so ashamed. Had I not rejected her, the scorpions would not have bitten my son. I am a terrible, terrible mother. I just think that it is so kind of the woman to heal my son without hesitation. I am forever indebted to her.”

There was a commotion in the village. By this time, they had realised that this was no ordinary woman, but it was Isis, the most powerful goddess in all of Egypt.

This was a bombshell for Amira. “When I found out that this entire time I was serving the Goddess Isis and her son, Horus, I was tongue tied and was shocked when Isis got rid of her disguise just to help the chief villager’s family after what they did to her. I was not expecting her to let down her cover just to save the boy — but I think her choice makes sense. She would have had to neutralise Tefen’s (scorpion) poison in the boy otherwise the news would spread all across the land and Set would eventually find out.”

Luckily, Isis thought and felt the same. “I knew that Set would eventually find out. But the priority for me was to save the boy’s life. I can understand the scorpions’ motive, but the boy was innocent. I could sympathize with his parents because I would have done the same thing if my child were bitten like that.”

Isis and Horus eventually left for a new village in their pursuit for safety.

Amira’s painting of Isis bringing back Amet to life.

“It was something that I, we, had never seen before and so it was remembered by all of us.”

“After seeing a Goddess and God before our very eyes, we (the villagers) had to build a temple in their honour. I managed to sell my paintings and even made clay statues of Isis, Horus and the seven scorpions for the temple. We started worshipping Isis as the Goddess of children, good fortune and protection.”, Amira said. Isis’ legacy continues to live.


Gendler, Alex. The Egyptian Myth Of Isis And The Seven Scorpions. TED Ed, Date unknown.

Gendler, Alex. The Egyptian Myth Of Isis And The Seven Scorpions. Youtube, 20 March 2020.

Gendler, Alex. The Egyptian myth of the death of Osiris. Youtube, 16 July 2020.

Mark, Joshua J. Isis. Ancient History Encyclopedia, 19 February 2016.

Mark, Joshua J. Isis. Ancient History Encyclopedia, 19 February 2016.

Tree_Squirrel. Isis and the Seven Scorpions – Ancient Egyptian Mythology. Snow Mountain, July 4 2019.

Mark, Joshua J. Osiris. Ancient History Encyclopedia, 6 March 2016.

Kimaya Bhuta (Class of 2024) likes to experiment with her writing. She reads all genres, but science fiction takes the win for her favourite.The reportage piece is about the Egyptian myth “Isis and the Seven Scorpions”, retold from different perspectives.